Joanne Justis

Joanne Justis is a worldwide authority on Chaldean Numerology, Author, and popular speaker. Ms. Justis has been a spiritual intuitive all of her life and is a Gifted Metaphysical Practitioner. She was trained by her Mother, a Chaldean Master Numerologist, who provided charts and readings since 1984. She developed an extensive first-of-its-kind, state-of-the art Chaldean Numerology software computer program for accuracy in calculating and generating charts. In addition, Ms. Justis is accredited with having done thousands of personal readings and publishing two books: The Powerful Bridge Beyond: Chaldean Numerology for the New Millennium, a complete encyclopedia on the subject of Numerology in general and specifically, Chaldean Numerology and, What Every Parent-to-be Should Know About Baby Naming: The Hidden Truth and How It Will Affect Your Baby!

Numbers R U is an innovative company dedicated to assisting individuals in their personal development and self-improvement journey in addition to offering many different types of other products. Through personalized charts and private readings, Numbers R U provides laser-like insight into a person's Destiny, Purpose, Personal Characteristics/Behavior Patterns, Strengths and Weaknesses to establish self understanding.

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