Paul Wong

Paul Wong is the founder of the Art of Neutrality™, a consciousness shifting program based on over 15 years of experience working with thousands of people globally. His work is a synthesis of his personal experiences of practicing various energy healing modalities. Paul’s unique approach is a key element that may be used as a stand alone modality or complementary to other energy modalities. The Art of Neutrality™ is an integral part of the healing process, yet a missing element from most energy systems. Paul’s ability to access this need is groundbreaking in the energy healing field. Paul teaches live classes, teleclasses, and conducts healing sessions globally. Paul’s extensive studies of various healing arts include: Yuen Method, BodyTalk, Qigong, Chinese medicine, EFT, hypnotherapy, Reiki, Vortex Healing, ReleaseTechnique, Matrix Energetics, and other spiritual and mystical practices.

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